FIRST, Friday Reads

by - August 01, 2014

Title: Since You've Been Gone
Author: Morgan Matson
Synopsis: Good Reads 

I AM SO EXCITED. It's finally August! Do you know what this means? DO YOU? DO YOU? This is the first month of the Bookish Beauties Book Club

I cannot wait to share my thoughts with you all! I hope you all enjoy it just as much as I do! I'll probably be reading this book for the whole month along with other books of course. 

If you haven't seen my august TBR, here it is. 

Hope you all have a wonderful reading month and that you joint us when ever you can for discussions for the book!

Title: REBELS: City of Indra 
Author: "Kendall and Kylie Jenner" 
Synopsis: Good reads 

I won this book in a give away from Simon and Schuster. I am so excited to a review on this. I've heard such  mixed reviews on the book. A lot of people have been saying "It's okay" but other have been a bit more harsh than that.. 

I've been asked so many times to review the book from people on my Instagram. I am going to give it the benefit of the doubt and hopefully I am able to finish the book and critique it to the best of my ability.  

If you want to see my progress on the books, and my critiques as I read, add me on good reads

Hopefully I can have a review up on this within the next two days! 

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