Night Owl - M. Pierce || Review

by - January 03, 2015

Title: Night Owl
Author: M. Pierce 
Genre: Adult Romance 
Rating: 5 | 5!! 

Synopsis: Goodreads 

I'm still descending from the high this story brought me on. I cannot believe how mesmerized I was. I was hooked by the first line, and in love by the second paragraph. I didn’t expect to finish this in two days (due to book slump), I had a very simple plan for it: I was going to double read this and another, you know to see if I could balance it out. Nope not a damn chance. This isn't one of those books you double read. This is the type you sit and devour and give yourself into a hundred percent. From the moment I read the first chapter I was swept into this world: The Internet. Just like Hannah I have online friends I chat with on a daily basis and a writing buddy. So very quickly I related to the main character. 

I love the writing of this book. It was so honest, vulgar, and descriptive. Woooweee was this book descriptive. I don’t see a lot of Authors taking the leap with the kind of language in this book. And I’m so happy the book was the way it is. It felt more real to me. The plot was amazing, I never knew what was coming, and the book it self is well constructed. 

  • Hannah: I love how selfless this girl is. She’s funny, blunt, and so confident. She isn’t your typical bleak, weak main characters. I love how she loved her own body, and owned her self. She was comfortable with anything Matt suggested. She’s open minded and just all around a great character. 
  • Matt: Kind of an asshole, but I like it. Is that odd to say? Probably not. What’s weird to say is that I think Matt is a hunk of hotness. I have a feeling the Author did exactly what Matt did in the book: describe his character to look exactly like himself. And if that is true, then god bless the muse to Hannah. 
Matt did a lot of seriously messed up things. I just never thought they were wrong. For some reason I was always on his side. I rooted for him, when I shouldn’t have. And that leads me to my next thought: I love love love the interchanging chapters in this book. I think I’m very hard to please when it comes to that. It’s either the man starts to sounds like a weak little girl, or there just isn’t anything obvious that differentiate the two voices. In this book there was a hell of a difference, and I love that so much. I loved seeing Hannah from his point of view, and he from she. It gives the book so much more depth, and as it grows you start to feel their emotions through yourself. I highly recommend this book to everyone! If you're looking for a great adult romance: read it, if you're looking to get out of your comfort zone and dive into the unexpected: read it. Whatever you do, just read it. 

I love this mysterious Author, thank you for making my first finished book in 2015 one of my favorites. Your words, are simply bewitching. I cannot wait to read more.

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