The Winner's Crime - Marie Rutoski || Book Review

by - April 22, 2015

Title: The Winner's Crime
Author: Marie Rutoski
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Rating: 3.5 | 5

Synopsis: Goodreads

This book is so close to four stars but it just couldn't cross the line. So close to a perfect, unforgettable read but yet so so far. The Author immediately brings you to three months after where you left off in the first book The Winner's Curse. She brings you back in to this world of chaos, betrayal, and so much heart break. There's so much mind games in this book, I'm surprised I didn't get a head ache. 

The writing is just as exquisite as the last, but unlike the last I immediately adapted to her writing style. I even loved the third person point of view. I got to see what each side was doing and how they both felt. There wasn't any guessing game and that's what makes it hurt. (You'll see when you read.) This book in specific is filled with so much more information on the lands, people, and just how the empire works. You get a look into Kestrels strength and weakness, never thinking of how it could change her. 

The whole time I was reading I left to giddy and excited. There was so much information, and build up that there was no way that something huge wasn't about to go down! Then I got disappointed. The whole book just felt like a waiting game. Waiting for the characters to finally be honest with the other, waiting for when it was safe, for when things would finally happen to our likes! 

While I still love the characters, and the series it isn't something I would reread. I don't think I'll ever reread this ever again, the book felt like just one huge filler. I have a love hate relationship with it. I truly hope you all had/have a different experience with it than me. Enjoy Arin, he's much better when he talks moree ;) xx  

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