Wicked - Jennifer Armentrout || Book Review

by - February 06, 2015

Title: Wicked 
Author: Jennifer Armentrout 
Genre: New Adult Paranormal 
Rating: 3.5 | 5 

Synopsis: Goodreads 

It took me about two weeks to read this. To me, that’s a mighty long time. Especially when it is a book by your favorite Author and one you were very excited to read. When I heard Jennifer Armentrout was coming out with a New Adult Paranormal, I flipped. I was so excited, I love her New Adult book: Wait for you and her Paranormal: Lux Series. I immediately thought Wait for you + Lux Series = Best book of the freaking century.  It’s partly my fault why I didn’t love it.  Before even reading the book I gave it took much praise in my head, I’ve hyped it up too much. As I was reading, my expectations weren’t being met, thus leading to my disappointment. 

This story line its self wasn’t disappointing. It’s interesting, and bad ass actually. The characters are awesome. I love Ivy and completely feel for her, the pain she’s endured. She’s such a fearless character, which in paranormal is dangerous. When you’re fearless, you’re reckless, and that she was. I loved Ren and his emerald green guys, his way with words, and just how honest he was. He was  domineering but not in a suffocating, scary way. He’s funny, witty, and has everything a male Jennifer Armentrout hottie would have. 

What I found to be disappointing was my lack of connection to Ivy, and uncertainty of their love. The writing, didn't convince me, so I didn’t love it or feel anything. When something that was suppose to be painful and heart wrenching happened it was like wind blowing by. Also, I felt like a lot of the “little” clues were too much. By the end of the book when it all unraveled I knew what the big secret was, and the plot twist before it was even told. Don’t let my review steer you away from the book. It was so very enjoyable, entertaining and cute. I highly suggest you go read the book and make your own judgement. Can’t wait for book two! 

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