Never Never - Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher || Book Review

by - February 09, 2015

Title: Never Never
Author: Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher
Genre: Young Adult, Mystery, Thriller, #Mindfuck
Rating: 5 | 5

Synopsis: Goodreads || I highly suggest you DO NOT read the synopsis. Keep your knowledge of this book to a minimum. It's so great to go into this blind.


WoOoooOoooah!! My mind is still reeling from what I've read. I'll repeat what I said above: I highly suggest you don't read the synopsis. Keep your knowledge of this book to a minimum. It's so great to go into this blind, and I believe the book overall with have a better impact! I've never read anything by Tarryn Fisher. I own her Best Selling book Mud Veins which I now plan to pick up soon. Colleen Hoover, if you've been following me long, you know I've read pretty much all her books, and love them! 

I am so impressed with Never Never. I was thrown into this world that was confusing and all consuming. So many things happening at once. The writing is exquisite. Tarryn Fisher is writing the girl's point of view (Charlie) and Colleen Hoover is writing the guy's (Silas). Both characters are so wildly different. (I can't explain, the less I say the better. For you at least.) I will say: I love Silas. I wish I had someone like him while I was in high school. He's so supportive, charming, and sweet. 

"I want to remember what it feels like to love someone like that. And not just anyone. I want to know what it feels like to love charlie."

Over all, this is a wonderful read! It's so entertaining and mind bending. You're hooked from the first page and I promise you won't put this book down. I can't wait until the second book. Never Never ended with my jaw dragging on the ground. It's the perfect mystery-thriller with a smidgen of romance. A perfectly balance book. I highly recommend this! I wish you all the best and hope you love it just as much as I do! Happy reading loves. xx 

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