Cinder - Marissa Meyer || Book Review

by - March 25, 2015

Title: Cinder
Author: Marissa Meyer
Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian
Rating: 3.5 | 5

Synopsis: Goodreads


I always feel like the odd duck, I never seem to have the same opinion as everyone else. I have the unpopular opinion. I wanted so much to love this book, everyone praised it, and ranted all good things on it but I couldn’t. I have no problem with the writing of the Author, I enjoyed her writing, it was nice, easy to get lost in and smooth. 

I was so impressed when I started the book, the writing was great, the chapters were short. It was intriguing to find out she was a Cyborg. I love the idea of a slight resemblance of the Cinderella story in this dystopian world. I had such high hopes because the concept seemed fool proof. Like there is no way you can write a book about those things and people give it less than four stars. But it happened. The first half was great, I loved it so so much! Then the book became predictable. I loved the first half but then the second half I started to predict before it even happened. Cinder’s a great character but her insecurity annoyed me. I love the smidgen of romance we got. 

There were so much things left unanswered to me when the book ended. It just wasn’t the book I was expecting in the beginning. I didn’t hate it, I enjoyed it a lot. I will continue on with the series. I hope the books get better from here.  

Did you love Cinder? What are your thoughts? Comment below and happy reading! :) 

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